Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Thanksgiving break is a trick!!
missing class to do work for my next class
and wishing I could pass out on my bed,
I get sad thinking about last 3 weeks of the semester :(
Not just because my senior year will be half way over
but because sleepless nights of work await me,
and take up all my time so I can't enjoy time with others!
Everyone's all excited during the time leading up to Thanksgiving break,
for those few days to eat, sleep, and rest...
but when you come back...
time to turn in final projects & papers and prepare for finals!
Those few days of relaxation
(which aren't really so relaxing since you are running around everywhere w/ family & friends)
give you a tantalizing taste of freedom
only to take it away again :(
I sound like a crazy, paranoid person :/
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Stuffing & Thanks
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Working Through a Senior Year Crisis

Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Darn You Bryn Mawr Bubble!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
an all too familiar vicious cycle
I forget where I found this, but as I sit here procrastinating and putting off starting a project that is due tomorrow, I decided it was an appropriate time to post this cartoon haha :)
Every New Semester:
After First Week:
After Second Week:
Before the Mid-Term Test:
During the Mid-Term Test:
After the Mid-Term Test:
Before the Final Exams:
Once Get to Know the Final Exam Schedule:
7 Days Before the Final Exam:
6 Days Before the Final Exam:
5 Days Before the Final Exam:
4 Days Before the Final Exam:
3 Days Before the Final Exam:
2 Days Before the Final Exam:
1 Day Before the Final Exam:
The Night Before the Final Exam:
1 Hour Before the Final Exam:
During the Final Exam:
Once Walk Out From the Examination Hall:
After the Final Exam, During the Holiday:
Many things on my mind, but haven't gotten around to sitting and blogging it out haha, but will soon! Anywho, my goal for this semester is to finish a paper before the day its due. Then, I will celebrate. Wahooooo. Okay, I should really get to work now...
but probably won't =/
Monday, September 13, 2010
hello senior year
Monday, September 6, 2010
i like bulldogs
Monday, July 12, 2010
these are a few of my favorite things...la la la~
- good weather
- sleeping in
- mini things!
- watching a good movie
- reading a good book
- blueberries
- oatmeal
- dark chocolate
- surprises
- thoughtful gestures
- making someone happy
- sunsets
- sunrises
- late night talks
- finally getting to sleep after being sleep deprived
- baking (and now cooking)
- getting a good deal on something
- free things hehe
- extensions
- getting caught in the rain & not minding it
- good hair days
- patbingsoo (i like ice)
- accomplishing something
- spontaneity
- brunch
- wandering around cities
- lists
- a good laugh :)
- and.....babies!!
Friday, June 25, 2010
old but young (and Taiwan pictures)
"Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come and the years approach when you will say, 'I find no pleasure in them'" [Ecclesiastes 12:1]
Anywho, I have been enjoying my time in Busan, but before coming here, I stopped by Taipei for 6 days and had a very good time! Taiwan has indeed touched my heart (see MV below) <3>
Here are some of my pictores from the trip :)
My hostel, eight elephants, so hard to find! The address is broken down by street, lane, and then alley! I only took one picture, but i would recommend it! Good location, clean, and friendly staff :)
On a random note, when I started this blog, I meant to update pretty regularly (every few days) with short fun updates about my travels and my life, and maybe a 2-3 pictures per post. I did not not want to have looong entries that were more analytical (some may call this "boring") and took time to scroll through, since I'm usually too lazy to look at those kind entries myself haha. But...thats what my blog has become. Ah well! Hope y'all enjoy it anyway :)